Thursday, May 1, 2008

Gentle Mornings

This morning I was "awakened" by my angels at a much earlier time than I "needed" to be awake. I looked at the clock and though it was 8:30 - not until washing the sleepy seeds out of my eyes and coming downstairs to put out the trash did I realize it was really only 6:30 - early for a school vacation week especially since my man and I were up until well past 1 in the morning last night sharing and bonding. I tried to get him up (when I thought it was 8:30) but he just kept right on sleeping so I have had my morning alone. What a lovely morning it is too. The sun is up, the sky is blue, the sprinklers are on, the dog and the cat are basking in the little boxes of sunlight coming through the window squares and warming up the hard wood floor. My email box has been emptied and I've even had some time to write without interruption - ah bliss! Thanks angels for getting me up to enjoy this beautiful day. I think it's going to be a great one! And of course my thinking creates my reality! Think you are going to have a great day too....

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