Friday, January 25, 2008

On Waiting

Patience is a virtue according to conventional wisdom, something that I've been working on for a very long time. Cultivating you might say. Something I've discovered....worry doesn't make it happen, forcing doesn't create resolution, anxiety doesn't magically manifest. What works? Waiting, patiently for the exact moment when the Divine plan is scheduled to unfold. So how do we wait? Do we fidget, pick at things, scratch our heads in wonder, get all frazzled and frustrated? Or do we welcome the wait. Perhaps it's a magical and wonderful time to make a connection with our inner world that we would be robbed of if we were instantly gratified. Perhaps we will discover in the waiting time that whatever it was that we were so hell bent to acccomplish just isn't so important any more. Maybe, if we're very patient and learn to wait as an exercise in present moment awareness we'll discover that we have been magically gifted with even more than we originally hoped to achieve. Moment to moment, this is all we really have. Breath by breath. So put aside all of your worries of the day and let be. John Lennon & Mother Mary may comfort you with their words of wisdom today. Let it be. All is well and time will tell. This too shall pass, try to enjoy the gifts of grace as they appear. Fleeting and momentous. Each a present in the present moment.

Peace and joy,
